Eye Aesthetics (Oculoplasty)

The area of oculoplasty that deals with diseases of the orbit (orbits), tear ducts, and eyelids. Excess skin from the eyelids and bags from oculoplasty procedures are removed in our hospital.

Oculoplasty under the main headings:
Aesthetic problems around the eyes
Tear System Diseases
Eyelid Diseases
Aesthetic Problems Around the Eyes 
Eyelid Aesthetics (Blepharoplasty)
Under Eye Bags
Age-Related Eyelid Changes

Blephoroplasty refers to the surgical procedure where excess, sagging, or sagging skin and subcutaneous adipose tissue are partially removed and partially repaired to give the eye area a healthy and appealing appearance.

Some people have drooping eyelids or noticeable under-eye bags that appear early in life and run in their families. It is a process that most people experience as they get older. The skin of the upper eyelid stretches and loosens with age, eventually forming a second layer. The fat pads around the eyeball also gradually move forward and herniate in addition to the skin's loosening. This could be due to an increase in adipose tissue or the ageing process weakening the tissue that holds these fat pads in place.

The most crucial step in ensuring the success of a blepharoplasty procedure and minimising potential issues is to thoroughly examine the eye, especially the eyelids. Surgery on the eyelids is carried out under a local anaesthetic. The cuts, which are made just below the lower eyelashes, heal to almost complete concealment. The adipose tissue may also be removed or put back in its proper position if there is significant bagging. This incision has excess skin removed from it. Thin sutures are used to close the incision, and after 4-5 days, the stitches are either removed or they fall out naturally. 

Detention Bags
Some people develop under-eye bags as they age and for genetic reasons. It is the herniation of the fat layer as a result of the relaxation of the eyelid muscles.

Removing eye bags is a very popular incorrect treatment. Serious eye issues result from reducing the adipose tissue there in order to remove the bags. It is necessary to put the oil back where it belongs rather than removing it.  
Age-Related Eyelid Changes
As we age, our eyebrows and eyelids droop, our lower eyelids turn inward or outward, we develop bags or depressions around our eyes, and we develop wrinkles. Not only with ageing, but also familially in younger people, these changes are visible. The person's lid changes give them an unhappy, worn-out, and sleepy appearance. The type of problem determines the appropriate treatment strategy.
Thyroid-related eye diseases (Graves' disease)
Some eye disorders and deformities can be found in conditions affecting the thyroid gland, which is vital to the control of metabolism. When the thyroid gland is overactive, this is more frequent (hyperthyroidism). Exophthalmia, proptosis, wide opening of the eyelids, strabismus, double vision, and decreased vision are all observed findings. This condition, also called "Graves orbitopathy" or "thyroid orbitopathy," can be extremely mild or severe enough to impair vision. The length of the disease, its severity, and whether it is active or not all influence the course of treatment.
Tear System Diseases
Dry Eye
Tear Duct Blockages
Lacrimal Gland Tumours
Tearing Eyes
Tear Duct Injuries
Dry Eye

The severity of tear deficiency determines the specific symptoms that dry eye causes. These can range from minor complaints like occasional mild burning, watering, and redness to severe enough to seriously impair vision and quality of life. Artificial teardrops are used in the treatment of mild cases in accordance with the replacement principle. Different and serious treatments are necessary for severe dry eye.
Tear Duct Blockages
Non-congenital lacrimal duct obstruction frequently has an unknown underlying cause. The lacrimal sac and duct's intersection is the location of the obstruction. Women are more likely to have it. Surgery is used as a form of treatment.

After birth, tear drainage pathways continue to grow. Some babies may exhibit symptoms like eye watering and burring if the canal development is not finished after birth. Different treatments are needed depending on the patient's condition.
Lacrimal Gland Tumours
Adults are more prone to it. The type of tumour influences the type of treatment.
Tearing Eyes
Tears can be produced in excess, or their discharge can be slowed down or stopped. There are several causes for the increased tear production. For instance, an object in the eye, an infection, an allergy, etc. The living will vanish when the factor is gone.
Tear Tract Injuries
Eyelid injuries are frequently present with it. It can result in a permanent obstruction, ongoing watering, and burrs in the tear ducts if it is not treated promptly and effectively.